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Saturday 9 February 2019

A Year in Colour

This is my first crochet project ever, finished almost a year ago now. It is a temperature blanket made up of granny squares with one per day and each square having 3 rounds showing the minimum, average and maximum temperature from the centre outwards respectively. At the beginning/end of each month there is a plain grey square so that you end up with a number that divides easily.
My crochet changed a little over the year with the early squares being a bit smaller than the end squares but as it is only for me I don't suppose that is too important. I feel I need to practice more to learn how to hold the wool properly as I don't seem to be able to get it to flow like experienced crocheters.
In the middle the deep reds represent a hot spell when I happened to be camping. It is interesting to see where we had weather out of season with warm days in the cooler seasons and chilly days in the spring etc. This is for 2017, and I think the summer from 2018 might be interesting - lots of reds I imagine, but I don't think I will be doing another.
Not sure when or what my next crochet project will be as I have far too many other things to finish first.

Sunday 27 January 2019

Another Finished Christmas Project


Here is the Autumn sampler that I had been stitching for some time - all finished over the Christmas holidays. The only thing I had to do over Christmas was the back stitching and it wasn't nearly as bad or time consuming as I thought so I wish I had done it earlier. Like the reindeer, it just needs washing and then taking for framing. Love the colours of this so much.

Wednesday 23 January 2019

Another Finished Project

Baby Rudolph  didn't  take  long  at  all, started  one day and finished the  next. He  was a  little  late  for  Christmas  but  at least he did  get to spend  a few  days hanging on the  tree  before  being  put away  until  next  Christmas.

Tuesday 22 January 2019

First of the Finished Holiday Projects


Over the holidays I had a finishing off few days, starting on the 29th with the reindeer cross-stitch. This  was really  lovely to stitch - no half stitches.  :-)
This cross-stitch was available as a kit or pattern, I opted for the pattern as I wasn't keen  on  the fabric  colour  in the kit.
So all  complete but I just need  to wash  it now and get it framed, hopefully   in plenty  of time  for  next Christmas.

Sunday 20 January 2019

Baby Rudolph

I had a few days over Christmas  and New Year of finishing  things  off. This  little kit was  purchased  at last  year's  Bakewell Wool Gathering. Sadly  I  don't  think  I  could  make  another  as you need the wooden reindeer. He  was really  quick to do  - started  one day, and  finished  the next.  Will  post the completed  project this week.

Saturday 19 January 2019

A Right Kerfuffle

Yet another long break. Can't really remember why except when I tried to resurrect the blog a couple of weeks ago I could not remember my password for the blog and that led to numerous exchanges with Google before they eventually decided I was the owner of my email account. And then I couldn't find the lead for my camera. Well all is good now and I'll try and blog more often.

So this lovely monkey was a kit that via a rather circuitous route ended up with me and my mum. Mum crocheted him and I put him together, then took his fingers and toes off and put back once I realised the thumbs and large toes should be on the side like ours - Doh! He is perhaps a little overstuffed but hopefully with love and squishing by his new owners it will flatten a little and he will be more 'brown'.

Back soon with some finished projects.

Sunday 1 July 2018

What to sew on a really hot day

Christmas cross-stitch that's what. The autumn cross-stitch needs some unpicking to be done and hence a good light, so I have been stitching these reindeer rather than start something new.
Unpicking has been done now - hopefully all of it - so I will be back on that one next.